Thursday, 17 March 2011

Rocksmith will let you plugin your real guitar

Tired of Guitar Hero? Who isn't. One group that sure is tired of seeing wannabe rock stars jamming on plastic instruments are the real guitarists themselves. Soon, though, this group will be able to join the rhythm game fun without having to limit themselves to 5 rows of colored buttons. Soon, they'll be plugging their guitars into their consoles to play Rocksmith -- the game from Ubisoft that's about to one-up its fake forebears.
Set to ship in around September, the game will feature 45 tracks featuring artists like the Rolling Stones, David Bowie, Nirvana and the Animals. The game will be compatible with both Xbox360 and PS3. The concept aims to combine the enjoyment of guitar playing with the fun of playing a game, while teaching the player to become better and better.

As a guitar player myself, this news comes as a very pleasant surprise. Not only will this stimulate stagnant guitarists as myself to once more pick up the guitar and aim to become better musicians, but by combining a mainstream game genre with an actual, applicable skill in music, Ubisoft may become the cause of a new wave of young guitarists appearing soon after the game's launch.

For those of you thinking about picking up the guitar, would this game be enough of a reason to go for it? And to those guitarists out there, how does this make you feel? If someone uses this to teach himself guitar, would you recognize him as a true guitarist?


Bart said...

i am a guitar hero.

Ada said...

Plugging actual guitars?! Holy crap!

For me the price of getting an electric would be prohibitive, but the idea sounds super fun and it'll probably be a smash hit at parties :)

Con Queso said...

I love the idea of putting goal-oriented gameplay until the real world, makes us more productive sometimes haha.

Anonymous said...

Dude I was reading about this earlier today, If it lives up to the promises and hype Ubisoft has been pushing, this may be the guitar hero killer.

Voit said...

Intersting news. That probably means more guitarists with fast and agile fingers, but limited by their lack of basic knowledge and study. Anyway, could be a fun thing. And who knows, maybe the next Satriani will start with playing this?

Merlyy said...

Hm I think I wouldn#t recognize that he's not a true guitarrist :(

Freek said...

@Ada: Ubisoft is said to be in talks with various guitar makers and hopes to bundle the game with a real guitar, for 200$. That's a very reasonable price for a REAL GUITAR.

One thing, though. I discovered the concept is not necessarily new. Rock Band's Pro Guitar mode had something similar, as had the game PowerGig.

Kicking Rocks said...

I thought all music games died with guitar hero, now this????

CandleintheDark said...

Sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out

D4 said...

It's not really necessary to try and top a game that's out of business. That being said, yes I would pick it up. It sounds like a LOT of fun.

Unknown said...

I don't like Ubi that much, but this game won't have that much public

elexerdelex said...

cool! Even tho I suck at guitar hero...

Mostly Irrelephant said...

So its like playing real guitar, but with achievements. Nice.

Justsayin' said...

That is awesome!

Unknown said...

thats an awesome idea

TheHarvester said...

i owned a guitar once. than i found out i have no talent at all and i sold it again. sad story :(

Shutterbug said...

That sounds like fun! :)

Motivationalized said...

I'd definitely go for it, this could be a real learning tool if they do it right.

Chuck said...

Great idea. I'm crap at Guitar Hero but I put that down to the lowsy plastic guitar. A real one though, would be cool. Fun way to learn too.

Grafted said...

Sounds like it could be really fun

Mike said...

Sound's pretty badass. The plastic ones just didn't give the same experience.

Fix PC Games Admin said...

how can someone get bored of guitar hero :D

ed said...

guitar hero cramps my fingers, and somehow i can play real guitar

Devon Davidson said...

I thought there was some kind of mod for this with Guitar Hero already....

Chris said...

Im musically-retarded, so...

D22 Zone said...

Love this idea of new music tech! thanks for sharing!

Patti D. said...

Not into the guitar world, so I wouldn't know.

WizWayne said...

Guitars are cool good post

Igneel21 said...

that sounds like a plan, haha

TheHarvester said...

great blog layout. i love it!

Gryt said...

I think that if someone "learned" to play guitar by a game, they'd be missing so much more but might have more motivation. As a guitar player, I'll admit I suck at guitar hero and would like to be able to stick it to those plastic peripheral weilding demons once and for all lol

Dootzkie said...

Didn't check you out for a while, but I see you did a lot of nice stuff with your blog. I love the layout!

noog said...

I just got Rockband 3 with Pro mode and the drums are unbelievably fun. I feel like I could bust a beat on a real set. I've played guitar for 7 years and I wish I had Rocksmith when I started.

FargoThunder said...

I am ready for the challenge
i dont know jack about guitars though
haha I have some french horn skills haha

William Edmondson said...

Where can I pre-order???? :)

Admin said...

That's actually pretty sweet.

Admin said...

Definitely a good idea.

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